Simplify your workflow
with your client as a

Consolidate all involved parties in a single central hub for property transactions. Eliminate the need for never-ending email chains and external storage apps.

*No credit card necessary

Companies that currently use us

Elevate your workflow by including PropertyFlo as a solution for both you and your clients.

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  • PropertyFlo logo white fill
  • PropertyFlo logo white fill

Create shorter sale cycles by adding a more comprehensive workflow

Shifting communication into a task-based workflow simplifies the interaction for all parties, enhances tracking, and ultimately shortens sales cycles.

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Property dashboard showing insight for all parties involved.

Send invites instantly to all parties

Invite any type of participant (buyer or seller, lender, agent, escrow and title) at anytime of the creation. Simply enter their email to send an invite to that property.

Property creation offers any combination of invites for your specific use case.
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Selection of invites with email fields populated


Create tasks and upload documents once. No need to upload or create multiple times with templates. Navigate to desired property and click "My Tasks" in order to access your templates, it's that easy.

Instead of starting from scratch, you can build upon existing templates, which is especially be useful for repetitive tasks.
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A list of templated tasks

Tasks are easy to track and add context to

Add tasks for your client to complete in order to keep better track of your transaction. Easily upload attachments directly to each task, engage in ongoing conversations with comments attached directly to the task, set optional due dates for added organization. Prioritize tasks effortlessly by utilizing the drag-and-drop feature.

All parties can view dashboard task counts. However, only the buyer/seller can both view and complete all tasks, and the task creator can view and edit their own tasks
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Completed task containing comments and upload

Live notifications in-app and offline

When logged in, users receive real-time notifications regarding task activity and messages. In instances where users are away and not logged in, outstanding notifications are promptly delivered via email.

Unread notifications are checked every 20mins, then sends out email for all outstanding unread notifications.
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A populated view of notifications

Messaging at anytime

Initiate real-time in-app notifications to message your buyer or seller at any time. Additionally, your buyer or seller can reach out to you whenever needed. In instances where the recipient is not logged in, email notifications for messages will be sent every 20 minutes.

Utilize in-app messaging to centralize and streamline communication, eliminating the need for email exchanges and automatically linking all discussions to the relevant property.
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Messaging between buyer and invited parties (Agent, Lender)

We can rebrand PropertyFlo to fit your Companies brand

Tailor PropertyFlo to your company's brand. Provide your clients with a personalized purchasing experience, including customized emails, authentication, signup, and portal.

PropertyFlo rebrand


Propertyflo is currently free, no credit card necessary. All parties invited will be on-borded with instant access to properties they are invited to.

We would love to hear your feedback in regards to your experience with our product.
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Access code can be applied in settings